Dynasty warriors 4 pc controls
Dynasty warriors 4 pc controls

dynasty warriors 4 pc controls

Thank you again Koei for your hardwork, please continue to experiment and wow us. I'm enjoying the hell out of this game regardless of those criticisms, but I can see why others would score it lower. Or maybe you as the PC give the word to go ahead with a particular battle. I like the open world concept, but it needs to be metered by a sense of urgency, or no battle at all perhaps. In the other games, the actual game will expire and you can lose by doing nothing. Especially since I have taken to ignoring major battle points for hours at a time without any consequence. My contribution to the fights as a whole doesnt feel that vital.

dynasty warriors 4 pc controls

But the tactical element does not feel particularly vital.

dynasty warriors 4 pc controls

I think that tinkering and experimenting is wonderful, but I will also agree with everyone else that this title could have used some more player experience testing. I think I enjoyed the gameplay of number 3 most. Every time they make a new game, they tinker with something. Thanks to some solid strategy, the Empires expansion to Dynasty Warriors 5 turns out to be the bright spot amid the doldrums of endless button-mashing. I think I enjoyed the gameplay of number 3 I am a huge fan of dynasty warriors. Every time they make a new game, they tinker with something.

Dynasty warriors 4 pc controls